Devotional: Faith Receives A Warning
When it comes to faith, first we believe, and then we have to receive. If we fail to receive, we neglect taking the necessary action steps that put our faith into action. Noah, the third character to focus on in the Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith, received a warning. Although warnings are not the things we want to talk about the most, they are a big part of walking with God and the Word of God. A warning in the Word of God is a “divine instruction.” It’s important that we remember that god warns those that He loves. A warning from God is out of His love and care for us.
Questions for Meditation
1. Hebrews 11, also known as the hall of faith, lists many who were considered righteous. What made Noah unique among these other men of God?
2. Noah was given a warning and then received it. Why was he so quick to receive that warning?
3. Who are some people God put in your life to help guide you with warnings? As we grow older, how does the way we receive warnings sometimes change?
4. Sometimes we receive a warning from the Lord and while we acknowledge it, we sometimes fail to follow through with action. How can we takes steps in this new year to follow through with what God is telling us?
5. In the case of Noah, faith made a servant out of him, and a servant obeys radical assignments. What radical assignment is God calling you to this year? How can you model this type of obedience in your everyday life?
6. Our obedience to the Word of God is supposed to stand as a testimony. How does this look in our daily lives, whether at home, work, school, etc.?