Devotional: The Greatest Conflict
Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25). Right after saying this, he demonstrated its validity by raising Lazarus from the dead. This final sign was a catalyst to the greatest conflict ever: humanity’s conflict with the Exalted Christ. Our conflict is rooted in our need for faith in Jesus as our Savior and yet our natural disposition of unbelief. We either trust him as Savior or we don’t. And secondly, we see that it is a conflict with sin and salvation. A price had to be paid for sin and God’s plan from the beginning of time was to pay that price in the crucifixion of his righteous Son. And even this was not out of his complete control.
Questions for Meditation
- The biggest conflict in all of history is showcased for us in the final lines of John 11. Many people, after seeing the resurrection of Jesus’ friend Lazarus, believe in him as the Christ. But some of them don’t. It’s the same miracle, but two different responses. What can we learn about the conflict in each human heart from this story?
- Jesus was going to die “for the people” (John 11:50). This would finish the work of salvation once and for all. Our perception, though, is often tainted by a false perception that we need to earn God’s love. How can we practically take steps to combat this lie?
- What situations in life do you find yourself doubting if God is really sovereign and in control of all things?
- When the devil whispers that one of God’s promises to you is “too good to be true,” what does God say in return? What promises are you holding onto this week?
- The finished work celebrated in the Lord’s Supper is the only thing that can cause our hearts to fully be at rest. How do we rest in this reality?
- How do you see Jesus as higher and more exalted through the final stages of this story?
- What are you praying for this week in response to the message?