Devotional: The Judas Lesson
The same story that we looked at last week can be looked at from a different angle – this time with a focus on Jesus and Judas. We initially saw Mary’s extravagant worship, but we also noticed that Judas Iscariot felt like it was actually extravagant waste. So, as we see the narrative unfold and a betrayal about to happen, we want to learn from Judas about how to avoid the same outcome. To end with a devotion like Mary we need to take advantage of Jesus’ presence through worship and we need to take advantage of God’s Word – the Bible.
Questions for Meditation:
We want to learn from Judas to avoid the same situation he found himself in. Like a football player watching game-film to evaluate how they can compete better next game, begin your reflection by looking back at the last year of your life. What are some adjustments you can make to move forward? Begin a habit of praying through those adjustments.
Judas over-estimated the power of his own humanity and underestimated his great need for Christ. Where are you on this spectrum? What are a few places in your life where you need God to break – places where you have either shut Him our or left Him out?
In the book of James the author identifies that there is a process and progression in sin. In James 1:13-15 the pattern is that desire leads to sin and then sin is what leads to spiritual death. Let’s get to the root of our sin and identify the desires that underpin them. Pray through those desires that you need the Lord to extrapolate from your heart.
When we don’t take advantage of God’s revealed truth (the Bible) we tend to make our own moralities that we then use to justify our sin. What are some things we have justified in our minds because we have either ignored or suppressed certain truths of the Bible?
The Bible has been described as the greatest earthly treasure that God has given to humanity. He communicates Himself to us so clearly through His word. So, when we open our Bibles we ought not to open them out of a sense of duty but instead out of a sense of delight. In light of this treasure, what Bible reading goals do you have for the next week? Month? Year?
Worship is adoring God simply for who He is. Who is God? Write down some of God’s attributes and then worship Him for who He is.
What definition of worship do you find most challenging? Most inspiring?