Devotional: From Faith to Faithfulness
The Bible reveals that our faith responses should actually become habit-forming and character-forming. As this happens, our faith turns into faithfulness.
Hebrews 12 continues the thread of Hebrews 11 by showing us that we are surrounded by witnesses and faithful servants of the past. Those who ran before us lived by faith in their season of time. For us, this means that today is our time – we are called to live faithfully – understanding that everything is not perfect while we are on the earth, but we are still called to live out our lives by faith.
Questions for Meditation
- What does Hebrews 12:1-2 tell us to “throw off?”
- Why is it so important to throw these things off, and what happens when we don’t?
- When is a time in the past that throwing something off could have made a difference for you? Is there anything today that you might need to throw off?
- What does it mean to fix our eyes on Jesus?
- Why do we end up focusing on the wrong things at times?
- How can we re-shift our focus to Jesus in this season?