Devotional: Going Deeper
The year 2020 has not been what any of us thought it would be. In fact, “20/20 vision” that many of us were praying for at the beginning of this year has perhaps revealed many things that we would rather have not seen. This year has been marked by struggle, need (in every sense of the word), injustice, distrust and bitterness. In the midst of such circumstances, the great temptation is to close our eyes to this reality that has befallen each of us in unique and challenging ways.
What is the antidote to such temptation? Submitting to the will of God the Father. This may seem counterintuitive, perhaps even trite, for a year that has caused each of us to focus on our own lives, our own pain, and our own plans (or lack thereof). But in submitting our will to the Father, we are then (and only then) able to enter into a reality that is greater and deeper than we can discern by our own perspective. This submission is not just another form of “not seeing” the very real circumstances in front of us, as if to escape it all. Rather, submitting to the will of the Father recognizes these circumstances for what they are, but ultimately lets the Father interpret them and shape them through his will. And this will is more beautiful and life-filled than anything we could ever conceive of on our own. But we must allow God in.
Questions For Meditation
1.What does it mean to go deeper? What does the example of Jesus show us about what it means?
2.Why does the Kingdom of God speed deeper when we submit to the will of the Father more deeply?
3.How does comfort get in the way of saying yes to the voice of God? What would it look like to surrender this comfort in your own life?
4.Why does going deeper require attention? What would it look like for you to give the will of the Father more attention?
5.Why does going deeper require authenticity? What would it look like for your prayer life to be marked by this authenticity?
6.Why does going deeper reveal heaven’s calling?
7.What is God calling you to give up today in order to go deeper into the will of the Father?