Devotional: Keep Passing It On
A mother’s influence reaches well beyond what we often consider. The Apostle Paul knew this. After identifying the call of God on a young man named Timothy, who would become the pastor that people would still learn from 2000 years later, he attributed Timothy’s growth and stature to the living faith of his mother and grandmothers. They passed on their faith, which was then seen and evidenced in Timothy. Mothers are the spine of the Kingdom of God, the spine of the home, the spine of the church, and the spine of the society, and perhaps their greatest impact lies in the fact that they keep passing on their faith.
Questions for Meditation
- Think about your faith journey. Who passed on their faith that you benefited from?
- What are some of the obstacles that faith overcomes?
- When we overcome obstacles by faith, what happens?
- How does the passing on of faith shape our futures?
- Whose future do you have the potential to impact and shape?
- What are the rewards and benefits of passing on your faith?