Saul’s Conversion To Paul
Saul’s Conversion to Paul
Acts 9
Hello Parents and Kiddos!
Please take a few moments to watch the story of Saul’s Conversion to Paul. I’ll be waiting here for you. 🙂
Welcome back! In today’s Bible story, we learned that God has the power to change our hearts! Please take a few moments to review the story with your kids…
Today we are going to do an activity to represent how God changed Saul’s heart. Saul’s heart was closed like a rock and God changed his heart to be open and full of Jesus’ love!
For this activity, you will need construction paper, scissors, and a container with water. The first step is to cut out as many hearts as you would like. The next step requires three folds; match the bottom of the heart to the “V” angle in the middle, then fold the right curve of the heart and the left curve of the heart. Finally, place the hearts in water (backside touching the water) and watch the hearts open up!
Where was Saul walking? He was walking to a city called Damascus
How did God get Saul’s attention? God shined a bright light and spoke to Saul.
What new name did God give Saul? God renamed him Paul!
Who has the power to change our hearts? God has the power to change our hearts!
Blessings, Ms. Kate