Devotional: The Called Don’t Hide
In 1 Samuel 10:17-22, we find Saul’s “coronation” – or introduction to the nation of Israel as their first king. After previously being anointed by God, through Samuel, the time has come for him to assume the role. However, something peculiar occurs – he’s nowhere to be found. Saul is hiding.
Being affirmed, assigned, and anointed is more than enough – but sometimes, we can still miss the call of God. How do we miss it? By hiding. Whether we are aware of it at the time or not, sometimes we shrink back or withdraw when God is calling us to step out.
Questions For Meditation
- What does it mean to hide? What have you hidden from before?
- What happens when we carry baggage?
- Think about your life, and your past and your present. What kinds of baggage have you carried? Why is it important to release the baggage for the future?
- Sometimes humility means that we step up, and not back. When is a time that you have not stepped forward?
- What stops us from stepping up?
- Think about your present and your future – in what ways is God calling you to step out, and what impact could that have on others?