Mom’s Devotional — Day Six
Proverbs 31:25-28 (emphasis on v. 26)
A wise woman speaks truth in love
Thanks to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, it has never been easier to share our opinions. At any given moment, we are just a few keystrokes away from broadcasting to the world our thoughts on pop culture, politics and everything in between. So what does it look like to “open your mouth with wisdom” and have “the teaching of kindness on your tongue?”
Earlier this week, we talked about the powerful influence a woman can have on those around her. Our words play a critical role in this. There is always the temptation to let words of gossip, complaint or criticism flow freely. But as women of God, we have a tremendous opportunity to teach and nourish others by the words we speak.
It starts with spending time in the presence of God, reading His Word and seeking Him in prayer. When we do this, we can’t help but to grow in wisdom. And that wisdom isn’t just for us! Pastor Toledo often says that our process is meant to be someone else’s shortcut. If you are willing, the Lord will use what you are learning to bless and teach others.
What areas of speech are the biggest struggle for you? Are you quick to complain or criticize? Do you clam up when it comes to talking about spiritual things? Ask the Lord to give you fresh boldness and discernment to know when to speak. Pray for His wisdom to flow out of you when speaking into situations around you.